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Biomass, Heat Energy


BIOMASS - Heat Energy


This is a great growing potential market. Meanwhile fossil energy prices are rising, Biomass -however- generates activity in the territory and the price is not subject to outside issues. In most cases when current fuel is diesel or propane, the payback period would probably be very short.

As a solution for companies with a high thermal energy, S3 Enginyeria manages a Service Energy Service Company (ESCO), and is able to design, install, finance and maintain the system according to customer needs. Quality is the main issue, both as in the installation, as in the material supplied.

Install biomass requires a substantial initial investment, but with a rapid return. The case is that as higher the consumption, faster investment is amortized and usually the recovery of capital is in 2-3 years.

… Figures shows everything…!

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C/ Ángel Guimerà 69, 2-1
MANRESA - 08241 (Barcelona-España)
Butlletí del Cedem
Moulins Communauté
Ferrocarrils Generalitat Catalunya
Via Libre